Fostering - making a difference
Our charity rescues and re-homes hundreds of cats each year and the workload this generates is enormous. Some cats, however, need far more input than others in terms of rehabilitation, so that they can go back out into new, caring, suitable Forever Homes.
The reasons for this fall broadly into two areas: Firstly, some cats may be recovering from physical injuries. Whilst we afford injured cats every conceivable veterinary support, there may be a period when their recuperation is best managed in a kindly foster home, rather than in one of our catteries. Cats in this situation would be well on the way to mending, but it may be that they still need regular medicine.
The other – and more common – need for fostering relates to behavioural and psychological problems. So many cats in this world suffer the horrors that human contact can bring, ranging from mindless neglect to savage cruelty. Not surprisingly, these poor little creatures have built up a distrust of humanity and it is highly unlikely that an adopter will choose that particular cat over a well-balanced, friendly cat purring in the adjacent pen.
Experience has shown us that many of these distressed cats are able to show their personality best and to come out of their shell when they are in a foster home. For some it will bring back their sociable and friendly character, while others simply aren’t able to make this step and remain introverted with little or no desire for interaction with humans. This is where fostering comes in, as it allows us to ascertain the right future environment for them.
We already have a panel of excellent fosterers, but we need more. Many more.
Fostering involves taking a cat into your home after careful discussion with Worthing Cat Welfare Trust. We would come to meet you initially in your home for a general chat, so that both you and we can build up a mutual trust and an understanding of the various needs of our cats.
As, when and if we can find a match, then we would ask you to foster for periods between one and three months. All expenses, in terms of food, litter and veterinary support would be met by us. There may be the need to attend vet appointments, which could either be accompanied by you yourself or by one of our welfare officers.

“I can honestly say that fostering is one of the most fulfilling experiences of my life. It is incredibly rewarding to slowly build a trusting relationship with a cat who may be traumatised and just wants to hide. It takes patience, gentle persistence, compassion and understanding, but when you hear that cat start to purr and enjoy human contact, it almost moves you to tears. It is incredibly heart-warming and uplifting. I cannot recommend fostering highly enough to any cat lover, who wants to make a difference.” Joss – Shoreham Beach
“We had a brilliant time fostering with Worthing Cat Welfare Trust. They were clear with explaining the expectations, easy to contact throughout the fostering period and offered support and regular vet checks for the cats. Evidently, they care so much for the cats, and it’s been a pleasure to be part of their charity. We would definitely foster with them again.” Sophie and Aaron – Shoreham
Clearly, for people who love cats, the satisfaction of fostering a vulnerable little soul and overseeing its full recovery, is one of the most wonderful feelings you can ever experience in life. If you think you sound like that sort of person, please do get in touch with me for a chat.
– WCWT Fostering Officer ([email protected])