Golden Oldies

Golden Oldies

It is worth putting in a good word for the oldies in our care! We know what you are thinking; ‘Oh but we might not have them for very long’. But we all have to get old one day and these poor darlings need lots of love, care and attention just like younger cats. They often appreciate it more too!

We have a Golden Oldies Scheme for cats over 12 years old. We appreciate they may have health problems in their advancing years, so we have designed a scheme to help cope with this. It pledges ongoing financial support from Worthing Cat Welfare Trust in terms of age-related veterinary costs, which can, of course, become substantial as the cat gets older. The owner would still finance the cat’s general expenditure, such as food, litter, annual vaccinations, trips to the cinema, etc.

For further details please see the statement below.

WCWT Adoptions Coordinator